2: Translation of Molodowsky's poem, Kathryn Hellerstein, “Merciful God,” 1999.

2: Translation of Molodowsky's poem, Kathryn Hellerstein, “Merciful God,” 1999.

This complete English translation of the poem, one of many available translations, was done by Kathryn Hellerstein, a literary scholar who has written some of the most penetrating studies of Molodowsky's work.

Suggested Activity: Discuss the poem. Some suggested questions: What is Molodowsky saying? Why does she choose this form—is this a prayer? What does it suggest about Molodowsky’s faith in God? Is the speaker sincere or ironic in the final stanza?    

Source: Kadia Molodowsky, trans. Kathryn Hellerstein, “Merciful God,” in Paper Bridges: Selected Poems of Kadya Molodowsky, ed. Hellerstein (Detroit: Wayne State University Press, 1999), 353, 355.