5: Survey, the Anti-Defamation League’s “Global 100,” 2014-2017.

5: Survey, the Anti-Defamation League’s “Global 100,” 2014-2017.

In 2014, the Anti-Defamation League interviewed people in more than one hundred countries to determine levels of anti-Semitism across the globe. Respondents were classified as anti-Semitic if they labeled the majority of these eleven statements "probably true." 

Suggested Activity: Ask students to read through the list of statements. Then put students in small groups and ask each group to discuss one or two of the statements. Why do you think the ADL used these statements as determinants of anti-Semitism? When the whole group reconvenes ask each group to share what they found interesting or puzzling about their statement(s). Ask students whether they think the ADL’s statements make sense as a way of determining anti-Semitism. If not, what would be a better way to measure?

Then ask students to consider how anti-Semitism today is similar to and different from anti-Semitism in 1940, when "Select Clinetele" was published. Discuss: Do you think the members of the "gang" in “Select Clientele” would agree or disagree with the statements on the ADL survey (excluding numbers 1 and 11, as these would be anachronistic)? Would Sam, Max, and Esther agree with any of the statements?

Have students examine the ADL’s interactive map of anti-Semitism indexes across the globe, which was compiled using the results of this survey. You might want to point out the anti-Semitism index for the country in which you are teaching. Ask: Does it surprise you? How do you think it would compare to the index for that same country in 1940?

Source: “Methodology,” in ADL Global 100: An Index of Antisemitism, ADL Global 100, Anti-Defamation League, 2017, 4, https://www.adl.org/sites/default/files/documents/G100%202017%20EUROPE%20ANALYSIS%20REV_D.pdf.